perm filename AAAI4.LPT[USE,CSR] blob sn#560363 filedate 1981-02-04 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
AAAI.PTY.3 written on 3 February 1  Cambridge, MA02139
Description File was AAAI.DES.8     
Data File was CURRENTMEM.DAT.6      
Tancig, Peter                       
MIT AI Lab                          
545 Technology Square               
Crystal, M                          Jakobson, Gabriel
GTE Labs                            GTE Labs
40 Sylvan Road                      40 Sylvan Road
Waltham, MA02254                    Waltham, MA02254
Smith, Stephen F.                   Fisher, Stanley
Dept of Math                        245 E. 87th Street
Univ. of Southern Maine             New York, NY
96 Falmouth Street04103             10028
Portland, Maine                     
Speir, Robert                       McKeown, David M.
1095 Avenue of the Americas         Dept of Computer Science
New York, NY                        Carnegie-Mellon Univ.
10036                               Pittsburgh, PA15213
Gulden, Samuel                      Szymanski, Paul
Div. of Computing & Info. Sci       129 E. Street N.W.
Leigh University                    Washington, D.C.
Bethlehem, PA18015                  20001
Provan, John                        Kenyon, Ralph
Dept. of Dermatology                145-103 S. Budding Avenue
Baltimore City Hospitals            Virginia Beach, VA
4940 Easter Avenue21224             23452
Balimore, MD                        
Waller, Mike                        Davis, Henry
48 Countrymen's Court               Computer Science Dept.
Charlotte, NC                       Wright State University
28210                               Dayton, OH45435
Miles, Jon                          Holland, Steven
1080 Forest Lane                    Computer Science Department
Birmingham, MI                      General Motors Research Labs
48010                               Warren, MI48090
Minden, Gary                        Whitebread, Kenneth
P.O. Box 2322                       1210 W. Dayton Street
Ann Arbor, MI                       Madison, WI
48106                               53705
Clayborne, Jeff                     Brewer, William
5315 Cornell                        Dept. of Psychology
Chicago, IL                         University of Illinois
60615                               Champaign, IL61820
Nuzzo, Gregory S.                   Smith, Michael
1133 S. Quincy                      Inst. for Computing Sci.
Tulsa, OK                           2100 Main Bldg.
74120                               Univ of Texas78712
                                    Austin, TX
Schappell, Roger                    Eliot, Lance
12363 W. Belleview                  Cal State Long Beach
Littleton, CO                       1250 Bellflower Blvd.90840
80123                               Long Beach, CA
Sadek, Konrad                       Ostroff, David
World Vision International          Cal State Northridge
919 W. Huntingdon Drive             Dept of Math
Monrovia, CA91016                   Northridge, CA91330
Davidson, J. Greg                   Buell, Fredrich
62B1 Brauting Street                3906 Mount Vernon Ave.
San Diego, CA                       Riverside, CA
92122                               92507
Amoukteh, Saeed                     Hendricks, Daniel
3237 Minnesota Avenue               3 Woodrush
Costa Mesa, CA                      Irvine, CA
92626                               92714
Lowrance, John                      Griffin, John
AI Center, SRI Intl.                1067 Enderby Way
333 Ravenswood Avenue               Sunnyvale, CA
Menlo Park, CA94025                 94087